We have a significant way to go with respect to our cardiac arrest management.
‘Cardiopulmoary Resuscitation is attempted in nearly 30,000 people who suffered OHCA in England each year, but survival rates are low and compare unfavourably to a number of other countries’
- Resuscitation to Recovery 2017
25% of patients get a ROSC with 7-8% of patients surviving to hospital discharge, which as mentioned is hugely below some countries.
In this podcast we run through cardiac arrest management and the associated evidence base, right from chest compressions, through to drugs, prognostication and ceasing resuscitation attempts.
Make sure you take a look at the papers and references yourself and we would love to hear you feedback!
References & Further Reading
Resuscitation to Recovery Document
Dual sequential defibrillation: Does one plus one equal two? Deakin CD. Resuscitation. 2016
Bicarbonate use in cardiac arrest.
The topic still provokes debate and multiple publications on the topic still hit the press reels. People talk of the increased rate of ROSC and the improvement in metabolic state, whilst others talk of the increase in mortality and worsening of intracellular acidosis.
A recent paper in Resuscitation looked at a huge cohort of patients receiving bicarbonate in arrest prehospitally. In this episode we take a look at the paper, review the guidelines and give our take on the current situation with regards bicarb in arrest
We hope you enjoy it and would love to hear your feedback!
So we're back with some superb topics this month;
Make sure you take a look at the papers yourself, they certainly provide food for thought and raise important questions in our practice
Let us know any thoughts and feedback you have on the podcast and thanks for your support with the podcast
References & Further Reading